Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Great Gatsby
Photo-Blog Project

Project Description:
The Great Gatsby is full of rich symbols, colors, and characters who come together to represent important themes in American culture. Your group (5-6 people) will research the use of these devices in the book to collaborate and publish a blog. The blog will help readers of The Great Gatsby understand Fitzgerald’s style and purpose in writing the book.

Parts of the blog:
Each blog entry will focus on a single symbol, color, or character. The group will analyze the devices throughout the book and then take original photographs that represent each device.

Each member of the group must choose one of the following to create a blog using a photograph to represent their symbol, color, or character. Each group must represent a symbol, color, and character.
Symbols/ motifs:
Valley of Ashes
Green Light
Eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg
Color Imagery:
Blue Characters:
Jay Gatsby
Nick Carraway
Daisy Buchanan
Tom Buchanan
Myrtle Wilson
George Wilson

Steps: Due: Done:
1) Choose the devices that the group will analyze and individually delegate who will be responsible for that device.

2) Collaborate to use your notes and class assignments to gather parts of the text to analyze for each device. Each individual create a double entry journal using at least 4 pieces of evidence relating to your device.

3) As a group, discuss what you feel are the common themes (universal ideas). Write an introduction for your blog that introduces the novel, Fitzgerald as the author, and these major themes. Give your blog a title that is relevant to your findings.

4) For each device, take an original photograph to represent its main idea and purpose.

5) Individually, write an entry for your chosen device that 1) includes a quote from the book to be the caption of your photograph 2) describes the ideas represented in the photograph and introduces the device 3) includes a paragraph that shows how the symbol/ character/ color develops through the book 4) includes a paragraph connecting the device to a major theme and connects the device to something you see in today’s culture.

6) Create your blog as a group using Blogger (will do in class).

Group (20 points):
• Blog title that represents the group’s discussion
• Blog introduction discusses purpose, themes, and style

Individual Content (50 points):
• Original photograph represents device and includes a quote as a caption
• Paragraph describes photograph and introduces device’s purpose
• Paragraph demonstrates how the device develops throughout the book.
• Paragraph explaining how the device relates to a major theme and American culture
• Blog entry includes at least 4 pieces of evidence from the book

Mechanics (30 points):
• Writer uses an academic voice in blog entries and writes in the present tense.
• Blogs are free of errors (homonyms, fragment sentences, run-ons, capitalization of proper nouns, etc.)
• Textual evidence is punctuated with appropriate quotation and parenthetical notations.
Group points earned: _____

Content points earned: ____

Mechanics points earned:___

Total Points:___________

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